Roof Inspections

We are roofing experts

Roof & Wall Mitigation

Most existing houses have one or more wind resistive construction features and may qualify for some insurance discounts. In addition, houses built after 1994 in Miami-Dade or Broward Counties and houses built after 2002 in the rest of the state have many wind resistive construction features and will likely qualify for credits.

Florida Statute 626.0629 requires insurance companies to offer Florida homeowners "discounts, credits, or other rate differentials…" for construction techniques that reduce damage and loss in windstorms. Florida insurance companies were required to submit filings by March 2003 that provide for these wind mitigation discounts. The insurance company filings began to take effect during 2003.

Roof Repairs

We have many years experience with flat, tile, metal and clay roofs. Roof repairs cannot be trusted to just anyone, and Broward Home Inspections, Corp. is the right choice. Whether you're constructing a new roof, repairing some shingles or installing one of our temporary heat-wrap roofs, we will get it done in a neat, fast and professional way. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.